24 August 2020

QLD border restrictions and what it means for patients

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Queensland Fertility Group

At QFG, we understand the challenges COVID-19 poses to your treatment. Your safety is our highest priority and we have introduced a number of measures, including:

  • Electronic, phone or online video conferencing, where appropriate.
  • Temperature and symptom check via SMS and in person on arrival.
  • Single person admission.
  • Recommendation to install the Australian government COVID-19 tracing app.

Importantly, please do not attend our clinics if you have a fever or a history of a fever, feeling unwell, have any respiratory symptoms or have been in contact with a confirmed case. Please contact your specialist if you have any concerns.

If you are living in a Queensland Health designated hotspot (which includes all of NSW, ACT and Victoria, EXCLUDING the QLD-NSW designated BUBBLE), then our advice is to postpone any treatment until restrictions are lifted.

A hotspot is defined by QLD Health as per the following list:


Alternatively, if after consultation with your specialist, it is not possible to postpone, you must complete the following quarantine requirements:

  1. Self-quarantine for 14 days in Queensland;
  2. COVID test following a minimum 14 days self-quarantine;
  3. You must test negative for COVID -19 in the 7 days prior to entering our facilities or admission for either an egg pick up or an embryo transfer. This will be arranged by your specialist.

Please note that you must follow any and all health direction issued by Queensland Health. QFG cannot make any representation on your behalf.

Your health and safety remain our highest priority and for this reason, we are fully compliant with the directions of Queensland Health as detailed here.

Please contact your fertility specialist if you have any questions or would like to book an appointment.

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