14 November 2012

Social Egg Freezing No Longer Considered Experimental

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Queensland Fertility Group

Australia’s leading fertility specialists welcome the world’s most powerful fertility organisation, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), announcing its position to lift the ‘experimental’ label from social egg freezing after a decade of research and development to review safety and efficacy.
“Having reported the birth of the first baby born in Australia following social egg freezing in 2008 at QFG we understand the importance this technique offers particularly for young women facing cancer treatment,” said Dr David Molloy Medical Director Queensland Fertility Group
 “The ASRM’s announcement that the technique of egg freezing followed by fertilization by intracytoplasmic sperm injection results in acceptable subsequent pregnancy rates and ‘should no longer be considered experimental' endorses our experience and leading practice in Australia,” said Dr Molloy.
“Possibly the most significant implication of this endorsement of egg freezing is for the benefit of young women, who want to have children in the future, but for various reasons, are unable at a young and best age,” he said.
The Queensland Fertility Group has the most egg freezing pregnancies in Australia and was the leading unit in offering social egg freezing for reproductive insurance to younger women.
“This is an area where Australia has led the world “ says Dr Molloy.
Partner unit to QFG, Melbourne IVF, has been a leading international research unit on egg freezing.
The ASRM’s systematic review included four key randomized controlled trials of fresh vs. vitrified/warmed oocytes indicating that young women freezing their eggs have the same probability of live birth per embryo transfer as women undergoing IVF or ICSI with fresh eggs.


For more information please call 1800 111 483 or fill in the form below.

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